Monday, May 31, 2010

Tabiat Jutawan

 Menarik x tajuk tu??? ahaksss.... ok harini aku nk kongsikan ape yg aku baca dlm buku Adam Khoo : Bagaimana Saya Boleh Menjadi Jutawan.. cita2 aku ni...nk jadi jutawan..actually buku ni bkn sekadar bhn bacaaan masa santai jek utk aku... byk yg aku pelajari dr buku kt sini aku share skit 9 Tabiat Jutawan mengikut kata ADAM KHOO...

Tabiat Jutawan 1: Sentiasa Melakukan Yang Lebih Baik Dari Apa Yang Diharapkan
 "Maksudnya kalo bos bg sales target RM10k sebln, kite mesti dpatakan more than RM10k tu"

Tabiat Jutawan 1: Bersikap Proaktif
" Sentiasa mendahului dalam ape jua keadaan"

Tabiat Jutawan 3: Bertanggungjawab 100%
"Bertanggungjawab terhadap hasil (positif or negatif) dan kekayaan kite (huhuhu..aku ske ayat ni!), jgn salahkan org lain kalo kite gagal"

Tabiat Jutawan 4: Memperlambat Kepuasan (huk huk... jgn otak biru yek! :)
"Jgn terlalu mengikut keinginan nk beli itu ini kalo ade duit, bykkan simpanan dan utamakan keperluan dari kehendak"

Tabiat Jutawan 5: Lakukan Apa Yang Kita Minati
" Yang ni plg besh sebb dia kate..kalo kite nk kerja utk cari duit or kekayaan, pastikan kite buat keje ape yg kite ske, so kite xkan penah boring ngn keje kite pluss...dgn cara tu walaupun kite dah jd jutawan sok kite masih lg tetap kali ni bkn sbb kite nk jd jutawan dah..sbb kite minat dan mencintai keje kite tu...dlm erti kata yg lebih mudah..KEJE KITE IALAH HOBI KITE"

Tabiat Jutawan 6: Memiliki Integriti
"Haruslah sentiasa jujur dan beretika dln kerja kite, sbb bile kite jujur dan beretika org lain/pelanggan akn sentiasa percaya dgn kite,so depa akn selalu nak berurusniaga dengan kita, ini juga dikatakan pelaburan bijak!"

Tabiat Jutawan 7: Memberi 100% Kesungguhan
"Kalo kite set target utk capai sesuatu, pastikan kite buat sungguh2 hingga ape yg kite impikan tu menjd realiti..bkn sekadar ANGAN2 MAT JENIN"

Tabiat Jutawan 8: Keupayaan Mengubah Kegagalan Menjadi Kejayaan
" Jgn mudah berputus asa, dah gagal, jgn cepat kecewa... belajar dr kegagalan dan ubah kegagalan menjd kejayaan plak. Adam Khoo kate..semua jutawan mmg penah gagal..huk huk..."

Tabiat jutawan 9: Hormati Dan Sayangi Wang
"Jgn membazir wang dgn cara membeli bende bkn2 dah tu x pakai/gune lak!! mesti duit tu sedih kalo kite beli mende yg kite x pakai/gune..mcm kalo kite mkn nasi x abis lah kan?mak selalu kate nanti nasi tu nangis...heeeeeee....pastu Adam Khoo ske kalo dia dibranak2 kan lagi...heee....maksudnye...duit ni ske kalo kite gunekan dia utk pelaburan yg menguntungkan lah kan??hik3"

so..itu lah semua 9 tabiat jutawan...errr....korang ade brape tabiat dr 9 ni?kalo aku...aku cume ade 3 dr 9 tabiat kt atas tuh!!!huhuhuhu nk kene capai lagi 6 tabiat tu weih!!!hak hak hak...

go!go!go! ALIN!!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Dang People!!!!

Nguhahahha....ok..actually i read about a post about Tarik Traffik Murahan Dengan Tajuk Gempak Tapi Isi Sampah through  sikenit's blog... i tried lah...huhuhu...i come out dgn the title I DANG PEOPLE because i think usually nuffnangers would NANG others right??? ahakss...but sincerely says...I NEVER DANG people until today lorr...even though my fingers ni traseee le sesangat nk tekan button dang it out of curiosity nk tau after effect x sampai ati dowh!!!

really love this two guys!!!
p/s: errrr.....saje experiment...rs2 entry ni masuk kategori sampah x? LOLs

Harga Petrol Naik???

Ni prediction depa personally aku rs mmg ade possiblity ape yg depa predict ni akan jd kenyataan...

image ehsan dr blog sir erwandi

alahaii...petrol le penting utk kete buruk aku tu gerak ke sana sini carik rezki...tambah lak pasni aku kene travel sejauh lebih kurang 400km perday utk menuntut ilmu ...huhuhu...nangis laaaa..... :(

Pabila Aku Blog Walk...

Pabila aku blog walk... aku jumpe:

1. Citer pasal lubang hidung  hik hik 

mcm mn nk bernafas ni???

2. Info pasal penyakit menular

penyakit alaf baru
3. Citer pasal kartun mickey mouse (kartun fav 5 aku ni!! hik hik)

Love ya Mickey!!!
4. Tgk citer superman putus kaki??? huwaaa.....

kaki superman ke bwh sorat khabar tu???eeeiiii...ngeri!!

5. Singgah tgk decoration umah n opis....
cantekk!!! combination of English style (vintage) and sufism..hek2

5. Last skali....aku jengjalan kt sini...sebb nk sedut jadual Postgraduate sem depan..huhuhu...aku kembali jd student!!!huwaaaaaaa!!! nak nangis ke nk tawe pun xtau ni!!!

Wish me Luck gengs!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Malang nenek bogel

ngahahhha (ketawa jahat nih)... ms kau bc metro pg td..mmg klako..mcm ni citer nyer...mai aku citer

Aku baca metro masa aku boring2 td.. nk hilangkan tension ngadap kertas

Browse punyer browse jumpe le satu citer

Citer psl cucu iblis..ahaks..tu perkatan pertama dlm artikel tuh!!

Dan aku dgn cepatnyer mengklik leee.... artikel tuh!

Ewah2...rupenyer kisah sekor cucu yg dok mengskodeng neneknyer mandi!

Fasal ape ko ngintai nenek ko setannnnnnnn........(ala2 P. Ramlee ni)..ko amik jek la brg kemas dia..

Gatal betol lah ko ni bdk!!!x hilang ke selera ko pastu?huk2

Hampess tol lah bdk remaja skang ni...dah kurang ke gadis molek2 di pasaran??

Ingin sgt dah nk kawin ke or ko ni mmg xde taste langsung??

Jgn2 nenek dia tu masih bergetah x?wakakakkaka :D

Kalo idak mn mungkin si nenek yg umor 77 thn nk mandi berbogel??? ahakss...

LOLs x dpt le aku bygkan body nenek tu bile xde seurat benang pun!huk huk!

Mongok tol la cucu ko tu nenek! or maybe dia curious nk tau mcm mn le rupenyer body nenek kalo bogel??

Nenek ni world la!!! hahhaha....

Omputeh mandi bogel pe?? errr... x penah tau ni...

Perghhh.....sape tau kan the hikmah behind all this?

Question terpop dlm paler aku...padan muke nenek tu!sape soh mandi x berkain?

Rasa2 nyer sape yg report citer ni kt harian metro?errr.....nenek tu g wat laporan polis kot?

Sama2 lah kite amik iktibar dr citer ni..

Terfikirkah kite???? apa dah jd dgn remaja kite skang ni??

Untuk makluman semua citer ni berlaku di Segamat...sape org segamat kt sini???

Vodoh la bdk tu...g la skodeng lady Gaga ke?

Wow!!! aku takut dia upload lak ke youtube pemandangan yg dia nampak ms tuh..huk huk huk disaster!!!

Xyz dlm citer ni...ikotlah amalan adab yg sbnr bile nk mandi ye nenekk!!!

Yang memalukan  ms nenek tu nk wat repot polis..polis tu pun mesti dok tersingai2 sambil menaip laporan

Zaman skang lelaki dah x reti memilih gaknyer...nenek pun main sapuu..jek!!

wow!!!!! daringnyer dia!!!

MUST READ: A Letter Of Concern From The Selangor Chief Police Car THIEF

You must have heard about the car thief who took the Selangor chief police car a few weeks (maybe nearly a month) back right? If not you can read it here.. heee.... and we had also known that the thief had kindly returned back the car the next day after the incident had been broadcasted all over the media.. can read here .. what most of us don't know is that along with the apology note saying "Sorry PDRM tersilap sapu."  

image adopted from
  There was also a letter (kinda funny also) .... hahahha...mind you that i encounter this letter while i blogwalk to this blog ..

Dear Datuk,

I really did not know that it was your car. Please believe me that I really did not realise that it was a police chief’s official car. However, why was it my target among so many cars in Selangor? Moreover, it was only an ordinary Proton. Please do not blame me. Even though it was an inadvertence, there was a reason behind it.

Our industry has been rapidly grew in recent years and there are markets for new, old, domestic, imported, luxury and ordinary cars. Even if it is just an old Proton, some of its parts can still be sold for money. That was also why your car was targeted that day. Please do not blame the poor anti-theft system, and do not be angry with the additional car security system.

In fact, these devices are just decorations for car thieves in Malaysia. They are not even a challenge for us. Even for expensive security equipment, which is usually installed in luxury cars with satellite tracking system that can stop engine operation, we can still break it within the first 10 minutes, drive it onto a container another 10 minutes later, send it to Port Klang after another 20 minutes and it takes another 10 minutes to ship it to foreign country. As for your car, it required only 2 minutes.

The business is too good while the crime detection rate…I am sorry, but I think we do not need to mention more about it. In terms of the rate of return, it is indeed a non-risky business with extraordinarily high returns that does not require any capital at all. It is certainly the most promising industry in Malaysia with the largest development space. Even during the national economic doldrums, it can still contribute to the country’s economic growth.

For example, the second-hand spare parts market, from engines to cup holders, is largely relying on our supply. Also, we can earn a lot of foreign exchange if we sell the cars to foreign countries. The high stolen car rate and low crime detection rate also led to the development of the insurance industry. We should also be credited for the increase of premiums.

Datuk, if you do not want your car to be stolen again next time, the only way is to write a note stating your identity and display it on your dashboard. We would be very delighted to give you our full cooperation. Also, I saw that police forensic officers were trying to search for clues in the car. It was a tough work for them for sure. I forgot to leave another note to tell you that I had actually asked someone to thoroughly wash your car for a few times. If fingerprints are found, you may get the samples from the Immigration. They belong to a Bangladesh. I had removed the Global Positioning System (GPS) in your car to avoid leaving any record. Initially, I was planning to install a more advanced system for you, but as I was in a bit of rush this time, so maybe next time. If you suddenly find a new navigation system in your car one day, please take it as a gift from me. You do not have to know when your car is being touched again and I promise, I will not cause any damage to the lock of the door any more next time.

As for the command baton, just give it to me as a souvenir. I like it very much as every night before going to bed, I can imagine myself waving the baton and leading the Royal Malaysian Police to work hard.

P/S: I think it is time for you to change another car!

Yours sincerely,

Car thief

 I was not sure of the truthfulness of the letter but if it is would be really scary right???

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Weird but Funny Picture!!!

wahahhaha...mau laga punggung kah?
nice try... bleh tiru nih!!!
hahahha...jg ko!!!
auwmmmmmmmmm!!!ade brani mau buang di sini??
say cheeeseeeeeee and goodby world!!!ahakss...
bleh tahan ke kalo korang g buang air besoooo tu sesaing ngn member??busyuk!!!

hahhahaha...dalam kebohsanan arini..sempat lak aku jumpe gambo2 ni...aduh2..x psl2 tawe sampai kuor air mata nih!!! aiseyyy...

Adakalanya kite kelihatan hodoh...

Wanita or ladies or pompuan or gurl..kalo dah namanye kaum hawa ni kan...mmg leee depa ni ske sgt ngn kecantikan....alaaa....sebnrnyer dah mmg lumrah manusia ni...mahkluk ALLAH yg bernama manusia mmg fitrahnyer kami sukekan kecantikan...sbb tu la..wujudnye pelbagai produk kecantikan, fesyen2 yg bertujuan utk mencantikan si pemakai, rumah2 yg di bina dgn cantik...even surau dan masjid2 pun dihias cantik...walaupun actually menghias rumah ibadah ALLAH tu hukumnye bidaah...bidaah hasanah lah kan...

so ape istimewanyer entry kali ni?ahakss...actually semlm aku buke le FB aku...stlh berkurun x buke...browse punyer browse ternampak le 1 pic yg diuploadkan oleh stdnt kire gambo candid le kan...paparazzi betol!! punyer le selekeh aku ms tu!!!! wakakakka....aku tgk pun ngeri!!!ehek2...sgt le x berkaliber pic tu!!selekeh gilek!!hahahha....sampai skang kalo aku tingat balik pic tu aku klako...x sangka lak aku yg mmg spisis jg ade le gak saat2 n tikanyer aku kelihatan sgt leeeeee...selekeh n terrible!!!nagahahhaha...malu gilek pun ade gak dlm hati ni...ahaks..hampess tol bdk paparazi tuh!

so moral value yg aku blajo...trime jek la...mmg ade kalanyer aku kelihatan huduh!!! bkn komen dr org lain tau!!ni mmg diri sendrik komen...ada kalanyer AKU HUDUH benor...wakkakaka...
gambo siasan semata-mata yek!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Contest I Join: Baby with SOOTHER/ FEEDING BOTTLE


yuhuuu...sempena dah menang nk menang lagik..hik hik...(dah tahap ketagihan berkontest di blog ke aku nih?aiseyyy) kontest yg aku aku buhsan tahap gaban td ni...senang jek..pd ibuk2 bapak2 yg punya anak yg masih duk memoting!!! hahahha...mcm khusyuk aku lah ni...masih duk menyomprettt lagi!!!hik hik..ok..kalo nk tau cara2 nk join contest ni...sile le klik kt banner atas tuh yek!

ni pic dak khusyuk masa dia dlm kete nk g umah pengasuh dia...kite minum dulu!!!baru pandai pegang botol ms ni..

ni lak ms nk g jemputan kawin last year, En Dell dengki dok cabot chompret khusyuk tu yg nangis tuh!at last ngalah gak sbb x thn dgo dia melalak!!hak hak hak gurl power!!
Nama sebenar si Khusyuk: Nur Aisyah Insyirah
Tarikh dia kuor tgk ibu, ayah n kakak2: 16 Julai 2008
Emel address ibu dia: heee.....bkn emel address khusyuk tau!!

okeh dah wat entry seskit psl poting a.k.a chompret ni...aku kene la tag lak sesape dr list kengkwn aku...heee...bertujuan utk memanjangkan legasi contest ni yek..sape yek???? calon2 nyer..

2. Tina

ok ..cukup lah kot...xtau le anak2 depa or anak sedara lizee tu nyonyot x chompret???hik hik... nk kene merayap kt blog depa lak..nk bgtau...U R BEING TAGGED!!!

I Like Online Shopping...

Shopping??huhuhu...perkataan yg plg digemari oleh golongan wanita..betui x? ade gak golongan adam yg ske ngn aktiviti ni...elehhhhhh...jgn nk nyorok! tp shopping mmg best...x kire shopping ke  or offline shopping..hek hek... yg real la..kene naik bas, jln kaki bla..bla ..bla...memenatkan tp sronok..

Arini punyer entri nk pomot psl online shopping... or bershopping secara maya...errrrrr...betui ka translation ni?ehek2...jln trus........... aku selalu gak online shopping ni...especially bile aku nk bajet le..heee... bkn shopping ni jimat tau!Most of the time aku jumpe mende yg aku suke n murah!!! hak hak hak!! besh2... biasenyer aku pegi ke je..kt situ mcm2 adoooooo!!! heeee.... lastest aku g kt blog ni...

besssssssssssstttttttttt ade byk baju2 baby! plus...kt blog tu gak ade byk link2 utk ke blog2 lain yg jual baju baby ni...heeeee....alaaaaa...baju anak2 ni...nk cari yg murah..x berkualiti..nk beli yg mahal kang...kejap jek depa dah membesar..dahhhh x muat... so beli online...brg murah produk berkualiti..try la...murah segt tau!!!

Actually ade byk lg blog2 yg menjlnkan online bizness ni...baguih tau depa ni..pandai carik duit! gak utk variasikan tpt aku bershopping..huk bundle pun ade gak!produk2 original jepang mari wooo... murah n berkualiti...kalo encik Dell..dia mmg kaki shopping dia mmg ske sesgt le ngn bundle!! pantang nampak kedai bundle...kiteorg seme gelar dia kene sawan bundle!!!sbb dia x bleh nampak bundle!sure berzaman le kene nunggu dia...tahap belek dia??? perghhhh.... ngalahkan nk wat inspection QC!!! hahahha

Pagi Yang Syok!!!

Heeee....pepgi ngadap blog...dah 2-3 hari x dropby ke blog ngn mcm2 mende dlm kehidupan sekeliling ni... ape yg indah ni..aku nk bgtau korang...

  1. aku memang contest!!!hik hik..x sangka ko..... aku menang contest yg di buat oleh mamadamia ...x caya... ni pic dr blog dia..hik hik..nama blog aku tuh!heeee...mcm tersangkut jek last2 minit kan?alhamdulillahhh...rezki namanyer..hek hek...

 2. Blog ku telah diterjah oleh GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA hik hik hik... kembang hati   weih bile otai bloggers ni dtg visit blog baru ni..huhuhu....nak tau pasal sape great teacher onizuka ni...sile le klik kt nama dia tuh!..huk huk...dia ni ade join itu project alpha kt nuffnang...mai le sesama kite vote for GTO...errr...kalo menang banjer yeks!!!heeeeeeeee...

ok... i nk g online shopping laksss.......heeeeeeeeeee jom!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Starring :
  • En Dell as the daddy
  • Madam Alin as the mommy
  • Kak Long as Long
  • Kak Ngah as Ngah
  • Adik as Kusyhuk
  • Kakak Fish King as the waiter


Setting: In a terrace house somewhere at Batu Pahat Malaysia..
Time: Noon

Daddy: (Walking to the kitchen and stopping at the dining table) Hai....stomach singing already mommy..No cooking hah today?

Mommy: Come! come Kusyhuk come and take a bath. Lets put on new clothe!!Come!! (mommy take adik to the bathroom)

Ngah: Eh...Long..mommy take Kusyhuk to bath lah!Mommy must want to go somewhere tu...lets get ready also!!!

Long: Ya lah Ngah!!Come2 lets pick which pants we want to wear...

Mommy; (Shouting from bathroom) Hurry get ready daddy and daughters!!!We want to go catch big fish!!!

Daddy: Hah????going fishing???aisey mommy....i'm hungry to death ni!!!!

Mommy: want to go catch fish first laaaaaaa...(hehehhee....mommy give daddy naughty and cheeky smile)

Daddy: haiyaaa....ya lo..ya lo....come long, need to wear beautiful clothes la..we're going fishing jeeeeeeee..... (starting lazily to put all the fishing equipments in the trunk)

Long & Ngah: yeayyy!!!!!!


Setting : The Summit car park
Time: Noon

Mommy drives her white GL while daddy is showing his sour face. Mommy stops at The Summit.

Mommy: hahhh...ok..everyone out!We fish here!

Everyone: hah?here???? (look confused)
hah?fishing???huwaaa.....i like fishing..big fish..come to me..i want to eat you fish...(adik is imagining what is 'fishing' and the location of fishing)
(Everyone get off from the car and silently following mommy's butt..clueless as to where she is taking them to fish)

Setting: The Summit Pizzahut outlet
Time: 12.30 noon

Mommy: Ok..we're hereeeee!!!!taraaaaaaa...FISH KING!!!

Long & Ngah: Yeaaahhhh...we are eating pizzahut!!!!!

Daddy: (silently) fuhhhhhhhhh.....luckily its not thereal fishing! or i'll die of hunger!!!

Mommy: Ok...snap picture first....picture-picture!!!

Daddy: (silently) haiiiyaaa.....snap picture pulak!!!!

Mommy: Say peaceeeeeee to fish king!!!!

Everyone: Peaceeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daddy: Waiter!!!We want to order The Fish King set please...

Waiter: Ok sir, may i take your order please???

Mommy: Give me The Fish King set, Kid's Meal B, Twister Apple, Fruit salad and Volcano Choc.

Waiter: Is that all mem?

Mommy: Yes, that would be all. Thank you

Long: Wow....kakak Fish King........ (staring at the waiter's hat)

Mommy: Ok lets wait for the food....





Part 4: EATING TIME!!!!

Picture Speaks Louder than Dialogues!!! :)

our first dish..the appetizer...

yeaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!finallyy!!!!! (Daddy said silently)

yarghhhhhhh!!!!!my first bite!!!!
Ngah first catch!!! comforting...when something as good as this get into my stomach...(Daddy said silently)

huhuhu...mommy's favourite dessert!!!

blurrrrrrpppppp!!!!!everyone is full and everyone is happy!!!!!

Mommy: Daddy....foot the bill pleaseeeeeee?????heeeeeee.... :)
Daddy: hah?me?haiyaaa....

First Class fishing experience!!!!
Daddy: Next time mommy is going to pay for our next fishing experience at pizzahut!!!!

Mommy: Eh!!Eh!! Kusyhuk...Look!!!! 1 Malaysia
!!!! (Mommy is trying to neglect what daddy says just now...hahahha good tactic!)
Picture showing a Chinese kid is wearing a baju kurung...go!go! 1 MALAYSIA!!!


Yahoooo!!!Finally...berjaya gak den masuk PizzaHut Fish King Contest...lamooo dah den war2 kan psl contest pizzahut kt blog den la ni jek baru den berkesempatan meng uploadkan gambo2 seksis lg sengsasi den ke lama web pizza hut tuh...ahakss.... sengsasi kerrrrrr???? uhuk2... ok...sebenonyer kan ade 2 contest dr pizzahut Fish King ni... satu den amik directly dr laman web pizzahut tu..alaa...mai den revise balik...psl yg dia soh SNAP, POST & WIN tu...hahhh...yg tu la yg den baru masuk td ni...hek hek.. den tarok picture bdk kuat melaram ni...

hahhh...amacam...skali pandang den tgk bdk ni mcm adik bradik lak ngn Fish King tuh!ahakss....muko samo weih!!! budok tu mcm nk curik lak fish stick tu!!!!huhuhu...

Hahhh...pasni den nk meng invent lak entry utk Fish King Contest yg lalu ikot nuffnang tu lak..x igt ke entri den yg mano? Alaaaa....entri yg tajok dia RM10000 CASH FOR GRABS FROM PIZZA tu...ok..den rase nk mkn pizza lagi la...heeee..... tggu gajian laaa.....chiow!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


yuhuuu...salam siang..ehek2..pengaruh bibik ni..ok..harini nk story psl TUNE HOTEL..korang penah dgo tune hotel ni? for me..aku x penah dgo or bc psl tune hotel ni..until le semlm ... aku dpt satu email dr cimbclik..dia just pomot la kot psl tune hotel ni sempene nk coti skool yg akan dtg..murah gile ko! dia kate from RM9.99 sen pernight! x ke murah gilek tu???so...aku pun klik le ke website add yg dia soh klik tu...hah..klik kt bwh ni ye...

aku browse punye browse punyer browse....ok le...ade kt beberape tpt  kt mesia x byk la..ade kt Kota Damansara, Kota Kinabalu, KL, Danga Bay JB, Kuching, Penang, KLIA-LCCT airport etc...

tp yg plg besh ape tau?heeeeeee...rege dia mmg murah tahap unbelievable la kan?iye la..9.99 sen jek weih...hee....oppss...jgn tertipu! bile korang nk booking hotel tu...seme mende kene bayo! aircond kene bayo..korang bleh pilih..nak 12 jam or 24 jam, nak tgk TV pun kene bayo..hek hek...nk gune towel pun kene bayo...ngehehehe...sib baik xde byrn lak utk pili air or letrik wutsoever...hahahaa....

tp aku rs ok le jgk!!! sbb aku tgk bilik dia ade org yg x thn sejuk aircond mcm aku ni..elok le xyah amik khidmat aircond tu kan?towel bleh bwk jek la dr umah...maybe kene subscribe utk TV tu la kan?heee...tu penting bile kire2...mmg jimat gak tau!

tp yg x bestnyer...hotel tu mmg utk traveller jek la...xde swimming pool...xde gameroom etc...mmg korang sewa nk tido semlman sbb ade hal ke..or sebb nk continue journey the next morning kot? still...murah gak la kan?pluss...dr picture gallery dia..mmg nampak mcm cantik le hotel ni...hurmmm..ingat nk bwk anak2 g jengjln this skool holiday...En Dell kate nk g tgk konsert Search/Wings Dabel Trabel kt JB, so maybe Tune Hotel a good choice la..sbb hotel2 yg decent kt JB tu mahal2!kalo nk yg murah ade gak...heeee.....hotel jenama Ah Chai ke..Ah Kong ke..ade la...hik hik hik... not good for children n not healthy gak...hukhuk ...k..kt bwh ni...banner dia..heee....5 reasons nape TUNE HOTEL ni besh la kot...heeeeeee...

ok..yg 5 reasons ni seme free ye..yg lelain kene bayo........

Monday, May 17, 2010

Updates on ASNB Funds...

Hai gengs!kat sini aku postkan new updates on ASNB (Amanah Saham Nasional / Bumiputra)...hurrmmm...mcm yg aku penah kate before this..org2 melayu ni masih kurang menyimpan..pluss...aku pun xtau kt mn depa ni simpan duit ntah!

ok..extraction kt bwh ni aku amik dr cimbcliks..kebtlan pg td aku nk bayo bill tru cimb ni..i notice this article lah...aku dah BOLD n HIGHLIGHT kan ape yg aku nk korang tgk..especially org2 yg sekaum ngn aku lah kan..uhuk2...also..reminder utk aku gak kan..ehek2....

so faham2 aje lah ye!

 Get more out of your investments by investing in Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB) Funds via CIMB Clicks.

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ASNB Funds available via CIMB Clicks are:
ASNB Funds
Amanah Saham Bumiputra (ASB)
Download Prospectus Here (10MB)
Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 (ASW)
Amanah Saham Didik (ASD)
Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM)
Amanah Saham 1 Malaysia (AS1M)
* Subscriptions of funds are subject to funds availability.
Note ASM is fully subscribed, AS1M for Chinese allocation is fully subscribed while ASW & ASD are available for Bumiputras only.
For rejected transactions, service charge of RM1.00 will not be refunded.
To view the prospectus, an Adobe Acrobat Reader software is required. You can browse to to download the software.
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