Ingat x entry aku yg lepas???
Bile aku ngadu2 n merungut2 psl nuff yg sampai ati tarik status Glitterati aku??
Thanks pd seme yg komen...
Yang paling jelas aku dah hantar ticket pd Nuff helpdesk..
dan berdezupppppppp dia pun membalas....
dah haku hagak dah.... ni kate nyer...
Glitterati membership is an automated process. It\'s given automatically to a blogger\'s account if all his/her blog(s) registered with us serve Nuffnang ads publicly at all times and none from our competitors. In addition to that, the registered blog(s) should also be active and has at least 1 visitor in each day or else our crawler will mark it as a spam blog and this will affect your membership status. Should your blog be free from any conflicting activities, you\'ll receive your Glitterati membership in 4 days time.
Your membership status is affected by codes from . Kindly remove it and you\'ll be Glitterati again in due time.
Robb Chew
Blogger Relations Executive
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd
wakakkakak....nampak tuh!tuh!tuh!!
aku siap besokan lagi reason dia kate nape status glitterati aku di rampas!!!
jeles betol ko ni nauff..padahal aku cume tulis entry ciput jek info psl youthsays tuh..
ko ni mcm laki yg teramat jeles la nuff...hak hak
bile ko jeles jek..ko x balik umah..ko majuk beriye..
sampai tahap kunun2 ko x kenal aku..cettt...
xpe la nuff...sbb aku syg amat kt ko ni..aku pun menurut le nasihat ko tuh..
aku dah hilangkan link2 ke youthsays tu... cume tgl gambo dia jek..
xkan le gambo pun ko nk jeles kot?? haihhhh....
so da tahu la knp ek skrg??? hehe